This Telegram bot allows you to fetch text-only posts from Reddit's popular page even when on limited Wifi that only allows you to use it for. You can use it to get the latest text posts. To set up your own bot using this script, follow the directions under Getting Started.
This is most likely what you want to use. You may go on the Telegram app and send the message /start to @Airplane_WiFi_Reddit_bot. But if this is down and you want to try for yourself, follow instructions below.
Before you can use this bot, you need to have the following:
- Python 3.x installed on your machine.
- A Telegram bot token. You can create one by talking to the BotFather on Telegram.
- Reddit API credentials (client ID, client secret, and user agent). You can obtain these by registering your bot as an application on Reddit.
Clone this repository or download the code to your local machine.
Navigate to directory and install the required Python packages using pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Update your Telegram bot and Reddit tokens.
Run the script (has to be online) and go on your trip! We recommend using a free-tier cloud service.
Commands you can use with the bot:
: Activate the bot and start fetching posts./fetchreddit [subreddit]
: Fetch the latest text posts from a specified subreddit (default is 'all')./next
: Fetch the next set of text posts./help
: Get information about the bot commands.
Contributions to this project are welcome! If you have any improvements or bug fixes to suggest, please feel free to open an issue (preferred) or submit a pull request.
Here is a list of things that I personally wish to implement:
- Browse comments in a similar manner (specify which post to view comments of or go down one by one for posts)