Hi :)
- zxxrtl yosys zig — bindings to Yosys' CXXRTL for Zig
- Comrak rust library — GitHub Flavored Markdown implementation, used by Reddit, docs.rs, crates.io, and many more
- gjtorikian/commonmarker ruby library — GitHub Flavored Markdown implementation; wraps Comrak
- koino zig library — GitHub Flavored Markdown implementation (port of Comrak)
- vyxos nix — My laptop and server Nix configuration.
- htmlentities.zig zig library — HTML entity data
- libpcre.zig zig library — bindings to libpcre
- furpoll nix furry — polls your FurAffinity for notes and emails you about it
- Ava amaranth python basic — BASIC compiler, stack machine, SoC and IDE
- Niar amaranth python — framework for building Amaranth projects
- Sae amaranth — RV32I softcore -- testbed for Niar
- ili9341spi amaranth zig driver — previous testbed for Niar: ILI9341 SPI LCD driver, plus virtual hardware testbench
- Chryse chisel scala — framework for building Chisel projects
- sh1107 amaranth zig driver — SH1107 OLED driver, plus the I²C driver it uses, with virtual hardware testbench
- i2c_obs amaranth tool — I²C clock stretcher
- hdx amaranth nix — development environment for HDL
- daintree zig kernel — ARMv8-A and RV64GS kernel and UEFI bootloader
- dtb.zig zig library — device tree blob (flattened device tree) parser
- armv8a ruby tool — some calculators to help with ARMv8a debugging
- akari c++ kernel — baby's first Real C++ microkernel (antique)
- cmark-gfm-hs haskell library — bindings to cmark-gfm
- beffast arduino eink — has Lily been fed yet?
- recogedor rust imap nix — cursed IMAP forwarding service containing a Lisp and bytecode VM
- kaksikud zig library — a Gemini server framework
- golex go tool — flex but Go (antique)
- what-version-of-asciidoctor-is-github-on tool — sometimes you may wanna know?
- ex-markdown elixir library — my fork of ex-markdown targetting modern Comrak
- akkoma elixir activitypub — my fork of Akkoma
Thanks to my co-authors. :)
- TheConner/diesel_ltree rust library — PostgreSQL ltree extension support for Diesel
Charlotte works mostly on Nix and FPGA stuff.