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集群部署利器 KubeKey
KubeKey 是由 KubeSphere 社区开源的一款高效、灵活、可扩展且功能丰富的 Kubernetes 集群部署及管理工具。
KubeKey 已通过 CNCF kubernetes 一致性认证。
- 集群部署
- 集群删除
- 添加节点
- 删除节点
- 集群升级
- 证书有效期检查
- 证书更新
- KubeSphere 部署
- 容器镜像仓库部署 (支持 Harbor 和 registry)
- 操作系统初始化 (安装依赖、配置时间同步、执行自定义脚本等)
- etcd 备份
- 证书自动更新
- 支持自定义制作离线安装包
- 支持插件扩展
2023 Q3
- 支持单独升级 etcd 版本
- 升级迁移 kubeadm 配置版本,支持 kubernetes v1.27+
- 支持使用 cri-docker 作为容器运行时
- 支持 CRI 容器运行时迁移(如 docker -> containerd)
2024 Q1
- 支持 agent 模式覆盖集群运行中自动化运维(如配置文件变更、服务重启等运维操作)
KubeKey 采用 ssh 实现多节点任务分发与配置,在此之上抽象出 Action、Task、Module、Pipeline 这四类对象,从而实现一个基于Go语言的多节点任务编排框架,可自由实现任务定义、任务编排以及任务管理等。KubeKey 中所包含的功能,均基于该核心的任务编排框架实现。用户也可以根据自定义需求利用该任务编排框架自有扩展kubekey或开发自己的定制化项目。
- Action: 基础执行单元,表示在一台节点上执行一次具体任务(cmd、template、scp、fetch)。
- Task:Action 管理单元,定义调度执行策略,例如:节点调度,重试次数,是否并行执行。
- Module:Tasks 集合,是一个具有完整功能的模块。
- Pipeline:Modules 集合,顺序执行 Modules 流程。KubeKey 中每个功能均被定义为一个 Pipeline 。
KubeKey 支持 命令行 以及 operator(基于 cluster-api) 两种使用方法。
cluster-api 是 Kubernetes 社区发起,利用 Kubernetes 对象来创建和管理集群及基础设施的开源项目及标准。其中包含以下组成部分:
- Cluster API Provider:提供特定类型基础设施的实现,如AWS、Azure、GCP等。KubeKey 为 cluster 开发贡献了基于 ssh 的 Provider。
- Bootstrap Provider:用于创建和管理Kubernetes集群节点的引导程序。
- Control Plane Provider:用于创建和管理Kubernetes控制平面节点的提供程序。
KubeKey Operator 模式处于实验性开发阶段,如有兴趣了解,可参考:
curl -sSL https://get-kk.kubesphere.io | sh -
kubekey 配置文件模版可通过 kk create config
- 节点信息配置,用于配置节点的ssh连接信息以及节点label预设值信息
- 节点角色配置,用于配置节点在集群中的角色
- 操作系统初始化自定义配置,用于初始化操作系统配置,如时间同步,执行自定义脚本等
- Etcd 自定义配置,用于配置自定义etcd参数
- Kubernetes 集群控制平面配置,用于配置控制平面负载均衡方式及相关信息
- Kubernetes 集群自定义配置,用于自定义集群配置,如版本、相关组件参数等
- Kubernetes 集群网络配置,用于配置集群网络相关参数,如pod网络,service网络,网络查件参数等
- 镜像仓库配置,用于配置私有仓库信息
- 插件安装配置,支持配置插件同集群一起安装
apiVersion: kubekey.kubesphere.io/v1alpha2
kind: Cluster
name: sample
# Assume that the default port for SSH is 22. Otherwise, add the port number after the IP address.
# If you install Kubernetes on ARM, add "arch: arm64". For example, {...user: ubuntu, password: Qcloud@123, arch: arm64}.
- {name: node1, address:, internalAddress:, port: 8022, user: ubuntu, password: "Qcloud@123"}
# For default root user.
# Kubekey will parse `labels` field and automatically label the node.
- {name: node2, address:, internalAddress:, password: "Qcloud@123", labels: {disk: SSD, role: backend}}
# For password-less login with SSH keys.
- {name: node3, address:, internalAddress:, privateKeyPath: "~/.ssh/id_rsa"}
- node1 # All the nodes in your cluster that serve as the etcd nodes.
- node1
- node[2:10] # From node2 to node10. All the nodes in your cluster that serve as the master nodes.
- node1
- node[10:100] # All the nodes in your cluster that serve as the worker nodes.
# Internal loadbalancer for apiservers. Support: haproxy, kube-vip [Default: ""]
internalLoadbalancer: haproxy
# Determines whether to use external dns to resolve the control-plane domain.
# If 'externalDNS' is set to 'true', the 'address' needs to be set to "".
externalDNS: false
domain: lb.kubesphere.local
# The IP address of your load balancer. If you use internalLoadblancer in "kube-vip" mode, a VIP is required here.
address: ""
port: 6443
# The ntp servers of chrony.
- time1.cloud.tencent.com
- ntp.aliyun.com
- node1 # Set the node name in `hosts` as ntp server if no public ntp servers access.
timezone: "Asia/Shanghai"
# Specify additional packages to be installed. The ISO file which is contained in the artifact is required.
- nfs-utils
# Specify additional packages to be installed. The ISO file which is contained in the artifact is required.
- nfs-common
#preInstall: # Specify custom init shell scripts for each nodes, and execute according to the list order at the first stage.
# - name: format and mount disk
# bash: /bin/bash -x setup-disk.sh
# materials: # scripts can has some dependency materials. those will copy to the node
# - ./setup-disk.sh # the script which shell execute need
# - xxx # other tools materials need by this script
#postInstall: # Specify custom finish clean up shell scripts for each nodes after the Kubernetes install.
# - name: clean tmps files
# bash: |
# rm -fr /tmp/kubekey/*
#skipConfigureOS: true # Do not pre-configure the host OS (e.g. kernel modules, /etc/hosts, sysctl.conf, NTP servers, etc). You will have to set these things up via other methods before using KubeKey.
#kubelet start arguments
# Directory path for managing kubelet files (volume mounts, etc).
# - --root-dir=/var/lib/kubelet
version: v1.21.5
# Optional extra Subject Alternative Names (SANs) to use for the API Server serving certificate. Can be both IP addresses and DNS names.
- lb.kubespheredev.local
# Container Runtime, support: containerd, cri-o, isula. [Default: docker]
containerManager: docker
clusterName: cluster.local
# Whether to install a script which can automatically renew the Kubernetes control plane certificates. [Default: false]
autoRenewCerts: true
# masqueradeAll tells kube-proxy to SNAT everything if using the pure iptables proxy mode. [Default: false].
masqueradeAll: false
# maxPods is the number of Pods that can run on this Kubelet. [Default: 110]
maxPods: 110
# podPidsLimit is the maximum number of PIDs in any pod. [Default: 10000]
podPidsLimit: 10000
# The internal network node size allocation. This is the size allocated to each node on your network. [Default: 24]
nodeCidrMaskSize: 24
# Specify which proxy mode to use. [Default: ipvs]
proxyMode: ipvs
# enable featureGates, [Default: {"ExpandCSIVolumes":true,"RotateKubeletServerCertificate": true,"CSIStorageCapacity":true, "TTLAfterFinished":true}]
CSIStorageCapacity: true
ExpandCSIVolumes: true
RotateKubeletServerCertificate: true
TTLAfterFinished: true
## support kata and NFD
# kata:
# enabled: true
# nodeFeatureDiscovery
# enabled: true
# additional kube-proxy configurations
# CIDR's to exclude when cleaning up IPVS rules.
# necessary to put node cidr here when internalLoadbalancer=kube-vip and proxyMode=ipvs
# refer to: https://github.com/kubesphere/kubekey/issues/1702
# Specify the type of etcd used by the cluster. When the cluster type is k3s, setting this parameter to kubeadm is invalid. [kubekey | kubeadm | external] [Default: kubekey]
type: kubekey
## The following parameters need to be added only when the type is set to external.
## caFile, certFile and keyFile need not be set, if TLS authentication is not enabled for the existing etcd.
# external:
# endpoints:
# -
# caFile: /pki/etcd/ca.crt
# certFile: /pki/etcd/etcd.crt
# keyFile: /pki/etcd/etcd.key
dataDir: "/var/lib/etcd"
# Time (in milliseconds) of a heartbeat interval.
heartbeatInterval: 250
# Time (in milliseconds) for an election to timeout.
electionTimeout: 5000
# Number of committed transactions to trigger a snapshot to disk.
snapshotCount: 10000
# Auto compaction retention for mvcc key value store in hour. 0 means disable auto compaction.
autoCompactionRetention: 8
# Set level of detail for etcd exported metrics, specify 'extensive' to include histogram metrics.
metrics: basic
## Etcd has a default of 2G for its space quota. If you put a value in etcd_memory_limit which is less than
## etcd_quota_backend_bytes, you may encounter out of memory terminations of the etcd cluster. Please check
## etcd documentation for more information.
# 8G is a suggested maximum size for normal environments and etcd warns at startup if the configured value exceeds it.
quotaBackendBytes: 2147483648
# Maximum client request size in bytes the server will accept.
# etcd is designed to handle small key value pairs typical for metadata.
# Larger requests will work, but may increase the latency of other requests
maxRequestBytes: 1572864
# Maximum number of snapshot files to retain (0 is unlimited)
maxSnapshots: 5
# Maximum number of wal files to retain (0 is unlimited)
maxWals: 5
# Configures log level. Only supports debug, info, warn, error, panic, or fatal.
logLevel: info
plugin: calico
ipipMode: Always # IPIP Mode to use for the IPv4 POOL created at start up. If set to a value other than Never, vxlanMode should be set to "Never". [Always | CrossSubnet | Never] [Default: Always]
vxlanMode: Never # VXLAN Mode to use for the IPv4 POOL created at start up. If set to a value other than Never, ipipMode should be set to "Never". [Always | CrossSubnet | Never] [Default: Never]
vethMTU: 0 # The maximum transmission unit (MTU) setting determines the largest packet size that can be transmitted through your network. By default, MTU is auto-detected. [Default: 0]
basePath: /var/openebs/local # base path of the local PV provisioner
registryMirrors: []
insecureRegistries: []
privateRegistry: ""
namespaceOverride: ""
auths: # if docker add by `docker login`, if containerd append to `/etc/containerd/config.toml`
username: "xxx"
password: "***"
skipTLSVerify: false # Allow contacting registries over HTTPS with failed TLS verification.
plainHTTP: false # Allow contacting registries over HTTP.
certsPath: "/etc/docker/certs.d/dockerhub.kubekey.local" # Use certificates at path (*.crt, *.cert, *.key) to connect to the registry.
addons: [] # You can install cloud-native addons (Chart or YAML) by using this field.
以下为 KubeKey 所支持的命令列表,详细使用方法可点击连接查看。
命令 | 描述 |
kk add nodes | 为集群添加节点 |
kk artifact export | 根据集群清单制作并导出离线安装包 |
kk artifact images push | 将离线安装包中镜像推送至指定仓库 |
kk artifact import | 导入(解压)离线安装包 |
kk certs check-expiration | 检查集群证书有效期 |
kk certs renew | 更新集群证书 |
kk create cluster | 创建集群 |
kk create config | 创建集群配置文件 |
kk create manifest | 生成集群清单(组件及镜像列表) |
kk alpha create phase | 分阶段创建集群 |
kk cri migrate | 变更集群节点cri容器运行时 (试验) |
kk delete cluster | 删除集群 |
kk delete node | 删除集群节点 |
kk init os | 为集群节点安装操作系统依赖 |
kk init registry | 创建镜像仓库 |
kk plugin list | 列出kubekey插件 |
kk alpha upgade phase | 分阶段升级集群版本 |
kk upgade | 升级集群版本 |
kk version | 版本信息展示 |
KubeKey 使用 kubeadm 进行集群生命周期管理,因此集群部署目录、组件启动方式与 kubeadm 管理集群一致。
查看 kubelet 运行日志: journalctl -f -u kubelet
查看 etcd 运行日志: journalctl -f -u etcd
重启 etcd: systemctl restart etcd
重启 docker: systemctl restart docker
重启 kubelet: systemctl restart kubelet
重启 kube-apiserver: docker ps -af name=k8s_kube-apiserver* -q | xargs --no-run-if-empty docker rm -f
重启 kube-scheduler: docker ps -af name=k8s_kube-scheduler* -q | xargs --no-run-if-empty docker rm -f
重启 kube-controller-manager: docker ps -af name=k8s_kube-controller-manager* -q | xargs --no-run-if-empty docker rm -f
组件二进制运行目录: /usr/local/bin
(kubelet / kubeadm / kubectl / helm / etcd)
组件 systemd 配置目录: /etc/systemd/system
(kubelet / docker / etcd)
cni 配置目录: /etc/cni/net.d
cni 二进制文件目录: /opt/cni/bin
etcd 配置文件: /etc/etcd.env
etcd 证书目录: /etc/ssl/etcd/ssl
etcd 数据目录: /var/lib/etcd
etcd 备份目录: /var/backups/kube_etcd
docker 运行配置文件: /etc/docker/daemon.json
docker 数据目录: /var/lib/docker
kubelet 数据目录: /var/lib/kubelet
kubelet 配置文件: /var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml
kubernetes 证书目录: /etc/kubernets/pki
static Pod 目录: /etc/kubernets/manifests