Random stuff that I may want to store for later
Setup bootstrap cluster:
kind create cluster
# Install ORC
kubectl apply -f "https://github.com/k-orc/openstack-resource-controller/releases/latest/download/install.yaml"
# If you want to use ClusterClasses
# If you want to use ClusterResourceSets
clusterctl init --infrastructure=openstack
Save the Calico manifest, OpenStack cloud provider and cloud-config secret to be used in the ClusterResourceSet:
kustomize build ClusterResourceSets/calico > ClusterResourceSets/calico.yaml
kustomize build ClusterResourceSets/cloud-provider-openstack > ClusterResourceSets/cloud-provider-openstack.yaml
kubectl -n kube-system create secret generic cloud-config \
--from-file=clouds.yaml=CAPO/credentials/clouds.yaml \
--from-file=cloud.conf=CAPO/credentials/cloud.conf \
--dry-run=client -o yaml > ClusterResourceSets/cloud-config-secret.yaml
Apply the ClusterResourceSets:
kubectl apply -k ClusterResourceSets
Any cluster with the label cni=calico
will automatically get Calico deployed and any cluster with the label cloud=openstack
will automatically get the OpenStack cloud provider deployed now.
Create CAPO/credentials/clouds.yaml
file and CAPO/credentials/cloud.conf
file to be used by the external cloud provider and CAPO:
# cloud.conf
Create secrets from the files:
kubectl apply -k CAPO/credentials
Apply the ClusterClass:
# Apply the cluster-class
kubectl apply -k ClusterClasses/capo-class
Then create a cluster:
kubectl apply -f CAPO/cluster.yaml
kubectl apply -k CAPO/test-cluster
Apply manually if you did not use the ClusterResourceSets.
# Get the workload cluster kubeconfig
clusterctl get kubeconfig lennart-test > kubeconfig.yaml
kubectl --kubeconfig=kubeconfig.yaml apply -k ClusterResourceSets/calico
kubectl --kubeconfig=kubeconfig.yaml apply -k ClusterResourceSets/cloud-provider-openstack
kind create cluster
clusterctl init --infrastructure=in-memory
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api/releases/download/v1.5.1/clusterclass-in-memory-quick-start.yaml
clusterctl generate cluster in-memory-test --flavor=in-memory-development --kubernetes-version=v1.31.1 > in-memory-cluster.yaml
# Create a single cluster
kubectl apply -f in-memory-cluster.yaml
# Create many clusters
for ((i=START; i<NUM; i++))
name="test-$(printf "%03d\n" "$i")"
sed "s/in-memory-test/${name}/g" in-memory-cluster.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
Build node images using qemu. Create a file with variables:
"iso_checksum": "e240e4b801f7bb68c20d1356b60968ad0c33a41d00d828e74ceb3364a0317be9",
"iso_checksum_type": "sha256",
"iso_url": "https://releases.ubuntu.com/noble/ubuntu-24.04.1-live-server-amd64.iso",
"kubernetes_deb_version": "1.31.1-1.1",
"kubernetes_rpm_version": "1.31.1",
"kubernetes_semver": "v1.31.1",
"kubernetes_series": "v1.31"
Build the image:
PACKER_VAR_FILES=qemu_vars.json make build-qemu-ubuntu-2404
Convert the image to raw format (otherwise each BMH needs enough memory to load the whole image in order to convert it).
qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O raw output/ubuntu-2404-kube-v1.31.1/ubuntu-2404-kube-v1.31.1 \
# Calculate the checksum
sha256 output/ubuntu-2404-kube-v1.31.1/ubuntu-2404-kube-v1.31.1.raw
# Wait for BMO to come up
# Create BMHs backed by VMs
NUM_BMH=5 ./Metal3/create-bmhs.sh
# (Optional) Apply ClusterResourceSets
kubectl apply -k ClusterResourceSets
# Apply setup-scripts for installing k8s on plain images
kubectl apply -k setup-scripts
# Apply cluster
kubectl apply -k Metal3/cluster
Add CNI to make nodes healthy (only needed if you didn't apply the CRS):
clusterctl get kubeconfig test-1 > kubeconfig.yaml
kubectl --kubeconfig=kubeconfig.yaml apply -k ClusterResourceSets/calico
# (Optional) Apply ClusterResourceSets
kubectl apply -k ClusterResourceSets
# Apply ClusterClass
kubectl apply -k ClusterClasses/metal3-class
# Create Cluster
kubectl apply -f Metal3/cluster.yaml
Add the following to ${HOME}/.cluster-api/clusterctl.yaml
- name: "k3s"
url: https://github.com/cluster-api-provider-k3s/cluster-api-k3s/releases/latest/bootstrap-components.yaml
type: "BootstrapProvider"
- name: "k3s"
url: https://github.com/cluster-api-provider-k3s/cluster-api-k3s/releases/latest/control-plane-components.yaml
type: "ControlPlaneProvider"
Then initialize the k3s providers and create a cluster
clusterctl init --bootstrap k3s --control-plane k3s
# Wait for them to be ready, then continue
kubectl apply -k Metal3/k3s
clusterctl init --control-plane kamaji
# Install metallb
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metallb/metallb/v0.13.12/config/manifests/metallb-native.yaml
# Create an IPAddressPool and L2Advertisement
kubectl apply -k Metal3/metallb
# Install kamaji
helm repo add clastix https://clastix.github.io/charts
helm repo update
helm install kamaji clastix/kamaji -n kamaji-system --create-namespace
# Wait for them to be ready, then continue
kubectl apply -k Metal3/kamaji
Visualize the clusters and related objects.
kustomize build --enable-helm capi-visualizer | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl -n observability port-forward svc/capi-visualizer 8081
Then go to http://localhost:8081/.
Deploy the kube-prometheus example manifests.
kubectl apply --server-side=true -k kube-prometheus/setup
kubectl apply -k kube-prometheus
Access grafana:
kubectl -n monitoring port-forward svc/grafana 3000
Log in to localhost:3000 using admin