A web crawler that can download all successful submissions of a user in Codechef. Just provide the username. Any feedback is welcome!
NOTE: CodeChef website has been changed and this crawler does not work as intended.
Feedback link: https://goo.gl/forms/rUyfcm55Y3KzvTtm2
- Download CodechefCrawler.jar from the repository.
- $ java -jar CodechefCrawler.jar <username>
$ java -jar CodechefCrawler.jar mb1994
- Retries fetching code, if it fails (upto 5 times).
- Fetches a single AC solution for each of the problems.
- Fetches the latest AC solutions for all problems.
- It times the entire process, to give exact runtime of the crawling performed.
- Provides clear output statements to keep the user aware about progress being made, while downloading solutions.
- Supports downloading JAVA, CPP, C and PYTHON codes, since these are the most used. Rest are downloaded as txt files. Support for more languages coming very soon.