Collection of useful links for Clojurians. Inspired by other awesome-* stuffs.
PRs nicely welcomed. Please add your suggestions to file.
Description | Link |
Open Source Clojure projects | |
Posts from various contributors | |
Libraries and tools for Clojure | |
Clojure daily | |
Community Curated Clojure Resources | |
Clojure graph resources | |
Description | Link |
ClojureWerkz projects | |
Become a better programmer | |
Tons of cool ideas | |
Parens of death | |
Anna Pawlicka | |
Jessica Kerr | |
Stuart Sierra | |
Adam Bard | |
Parallel Universe | |
Verma / blog | |
Lisp Chronicles | |
Clojure goes fast | |
Inside Clojure | |
Need to talk with someone? Visit one of following places:
Description | Link |
Clojurians Slack | |
Searchable Slack-archive | |
Clojurians Zulip | |
Clojurians Discord | |
Lisp Discord (with clojure channel) | |
Function description needed? Eager of examples / tutorials? Take a look at one of following sources:
Description | Link |
Community-driven documentation | |
Community-powered docs and examples | |
Community Clojure Documentation | |
Documentation for Clojure/Script libraries | |
Cross-referencing the Clojure ecosystem | |
Clojure* cheatsheets | |
ClojureScript API | |
ClojureScript cheatsheets | |
- Plugin system in Clojure
- Clojure quality tools
- Clojure services at Scale
- Zippers
- Clojure interfaces
- Clojure at MixRadio
- Clojure Macros explained
- Weird Clojure characters explained
- Debugging clojure
- Ring Web Applications with Comsat
- Compojure tutorial
- Geospatial Information
- Clojure web-apps IDs with Hashids
- Securing Clojure Microservices using buddy
- Setup TDD workflow for Clojure
- Microservice Architecture With Slacker Cluster
- Testing Clojure with Selenium
- Testing Clojure web apps with kerodon
- Testing Clojurescript with Karma
- Integration tests with Midje
- Streaming responses using Ring
- Polymorfic performance
- Pixie Pi
- Clojure in Production: Logging
- Clojurescript application template
- Efficient, Concurrent and Concise Data Access in Clojure
- Pimp my REPL
- Clojure (Prismatic) Schemas are Swagger
- Practical Data Coercion With Prismatic/schema
- Clojure Design Patterns
- 20 cool Clojure functions
- Deploying a Clojure web app with Pallet
- TDD in Clojure
- Functional-navigational programming with Specter
- Quickstart Boot and ClojureScript
- Managing Maintenance With Riemann
- Using Codox Effectively
- Clojure-Fu with Juxt
- Ohce in Clojure using outside-in TDD with Midje
- Hubble Space Mission Securely Configured
- Consul & Clojure
- Faster meta-development with boot
- Isolated integration testing with postgres
- Reducible streams
- The Ultimate Guide to Clojure Concurrency
- Domain modelling with clojure.spec
- Use Matrices Efficiently
- Readable Clojure
- Comprehensible Code
- Yet another “mount” alternative
- Performance nemesis: reflection
- Introspection tools: Java decompilers
- Reitit, Data-Driven Routing with Clojure(Script)
- How We Built Whimsical
- Redis streams and Clojure
- Clojure is capable
- Quicker Clojure startup with AppCDS and AOT
- Hazelcast: Keep your cluster close, but cache closer
- Serializing and Deserializing Clojure Fns with Nippy
- Laziness in Clojure
- Beware of assertions
- Loopr: A Loop/Reduction Macro for Clojure
- Understanding transducers
- Processing documents with transducers
- Transducers from the ground up
- Transducers how-to
- Better Performance With Java Arrays In Clojure
Following is a list of amazing projects, worth to keep an eye on.
ClojureScript is a new compiler for Clojure that targets JavaScript. It is designed to emit JavaScript code which is compatible with the advanced compilation mode of the Google Closure optimizing compiler -
- Clojurescript awesomeness
- Javascript libraries packaged up with Google Closure externs
- Kioo example
- ClojureScript tutorial
- Promises and Clojurescript
- Translations from Javascript
- Modern ClojureScript
- Visual REPL experience for ClojureScript
- A Chrome DevTools fork for ClojureScript developers
- Javascript externs generator
- The Re-frame Building Blocks Guide
- How to work with a private library in ClojureScript
- Code-Splitting ClojureScript
The fully transactional, cloud-ready, distributed database -
Facilities for async programming and communication in Clojure
- Examples
- Tutorials
- Using Transducers with Core.async in ClojureScript
- Core.async in the browser is sweet
- Introduction to Asynchronous Programming in Clojure
- Things I Wish I Knew About Core Async in Clojure
- Core Async Timeout Channels
- Mastering Concurrent Processes with core.async
- Using transducers with core.async in Clojurescript
Minimalistic React for ClojureScript -
- Reagent deep dive part 1
- Reagent deep dive part 2
- Reagent cookbook
- Reagent Framework For Writing SPAs, in Clojurescript
- No-hashes bidirectional routing in re-frame with bidi and pushy
- Creating reagent components
- Why reagent rocks?
- TodoMVC for Reagent
- Applications built with Reagent
- Beautiful Bootstrap 3 forms for Om, Reagent and Rum
A ClojureScript interface to Facebook’s React.
- Om cookbook
- Application template for ClojureScript/Om with live reloading
- Om interop with 3rd party JS libs
- Mistakes to avoid when creating an Om component. Part 1.
- Mistakes to avoid when creating an Om component. Part 2.
- High performance web apps in Om and React
- Removing bloilerplate
Riemann aggregates events from your servers and applications with a powerful stream processing language.
Yada is a library that helps building RESTful web APIs quickly and easily -
Crux is an open source document database with bitemporal graph queries -
- Crux as General-Purpose Database
- Crux tutorial - Setup
- Crux tutorial - Await transactions
- Datalog Queries with Crux – Mercury Assignment
- Dataworks - Hot-swap API endpoints and stream processors
- Bitemporal History
Fast data-driven router for Clojure(Script) -
Fast native-speed matrix and linear algebra in Clojure -
Books from the author:
A distributed database-system implementing an entity-attribute-value data-model that is time-aware, accumulative, and atomically consistent -
GraphQL for the Clojure land:
- lacinia GraphQL implementation in pure Clojure
- graphqlize GraphQL API instantly from Postgres and MySQL databases
- Learn Datalog Today (actually nothing about clojure)
- Datalog for trees in Clojure (practical use of datalog to match and extract information)
- Datascript - Immutable database and Datalog query engine for Clojure, ClojureScript and JS
- Datalog Rules - Utilities for managing Datalog rulesets from Clojure
- Datahike - A durable datalog implementation
- Domain modeling with datalog (why datalog is so cool!)
Here is the list of my own (some of them forked…) projects that you might be interested in:
- Clojure implementation of RFC 6749 OAuth 2.0 authorization framework
- Role Based Access Control
- Revolt - your trampoline to Clojure dev toolbox
- Sample use of Revolt library
- Flyway based migrations task for Revolt
- JAR deployer / installer for Revolt
- QR generation with iCal scheme
- Image processing based on pooled GraphicsMagick sessions
- Fetching site-embedded data
- Reporting JMX metrics directly to riemann aggregator
- Logback riemann appender
- A clojure client for SOLR with nice criteria DSL
- Category tree made easy
- Fancy scoring of input data
- Ragtime migrations with Clojure Boot build tool
- Boot task to generate build information
Utilities making development even more pleasant.
- General Purpose Utilities Library
- Language extensions for clojurescript
- Give your clojure workflow more flow
Emacs bits and pieces. Definitely worth checking out if you’re addicted to this editor.
- Cider IDE that rocks!
- Hard CIDER: Project-specific Configuration
- Collection of Clojure refactoring functions
- Help on
Because we love them :)
Must-have YouTube subscriptions:
- ClojureTV (
- Metosin (
- :clojureD (
- StrangeLoop (
- PolyConf (
People to follow, writing about clojure/lisp:
- @richhickey (
- @bbatsov (
- @cognitect (
- @adzerktech (
- @alandipert (
- @michaniskin (
- @stuartsierra (
- @weavejester (
- @stuarthalloway (
- @juliansgamble (
- @swannodette (
- @jwiegley (
- @ClojureFact (
- @ClojureRecipes (
- @ClojureWerkz (
- @planetclojure (
- @thelittlelisper (
- @pithyless (
- @haksior (
- @borkdude (