Maxwell middleware to cache success response. Backend by Cachex.
Add maxwell_cache
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:maxwell_cache, ~> 0.1.0"},
More Maxwell
usage could be seen here.
Short usage of this middleware here:
#Set Maxwell Middleware.
middleware Maxwell.Middleware.Cache, ttl: :timer.minutes(1), namespace: "httpbin"
# Import middleware method.
import Maxwell.Middleware.Cache, only: [from_cache: 1, from_source: 1, set_ttl: 2]
# Middleware is doing nothing.
def get_uuid do
|> new()
|> get!
|> get_resp_body
# Set to requrest from real remote server and set cache if response success.
def get_uuid_from_source do
|> new()
|> from_source()
|> get!
|> get_resp_body
# Set to get response from cache first and set ttl. Request real remote server if cache not found.
def get_uuid_from_cache do
|> new()
|> from_cache()
|> set_ttl(:timer.seconds(5))
|> get!
|> get_resp_body
Cache key is consist of two parts, middleware namespace
and information generated by hash_func/1
Default hash_func/1
is below:
def default_hash_func(%Maxwell.Conn{} = conn) do
query_string = conn.query_string |> Maxwell.Query.encode
headers = conn.req_headers |> Maxwell.Query.encode
body = conn.req_body |> :erlang.phash2
Both of them could be set by middleware init/1
middleware Maxwell.Middleware.Cache, namespace: "yournamespace", hash_func: &your_hash_func/1
Default Cachex limit
is %Cachex.Limit{limit: 2000, reclaim: 0.1}
, could be change in config.exs
config :maxwell_cache, limit: %Cachex.Limit{limit: 2000, reclaim: 0.1}
More information could be seen cachex doc.
Default ttl is :timer.seconds(10)
, this could be change in config.exs
config :maxwell_cache, default_ttl: :timer.seconds(10)
Client moudle could have their own ttl:
middleware Maxwell.Middleware.Cache, ttl: :timer.seconds(10)
Request could set ttl by using set_ttl/1
def get_uuid_from_cache do
|> new()
|> from_cache()
|> set_ttl(:timer.seconds(5))
|> get!
|> get_resp_body