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🥊 mulle-bashfunctions, a collection of shell functions

This is a shell function library used by a lot of mulle tools. It is compatible with bash v3.2+ and zsh 5+. Use mulle-bashfunctions to develop more featureful scripts that work on multiple platforms. This library has been tested on Debian, FreeBSD, macOS, Manjaro, MinGW, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, Ubuntu.

Release Version Release Notes
Mulle kybernetiK tag Build Status RELEASENOTES


Executable Description
mulle-bash Shell executor as a replacement for #! /bin/sh
mulle-bashfunctions Include support, documentation and more

Developer Guide

To create a new mulle-bashfunctions script say:

mulle-bashfunctions new my-script >
chmod +x

Use mulle-bashfunctions also for discovery and documentation of the available functions. Lets say you want to produce identifiers for abitrary strings. You can use apropos to discover functionality:

mulle-bashfunctions apropos identifier

Once you have found a function of interest, you can checkout its description with:

mulle-bashfunctions man r_smart_downcase_identifier

and try it out with eval for functions printing to standard output, or r-eval, for functions that return values in the RVAL global variable (these functionss are prefixed with r_):

$ mulle-bashfunctions r-eval r_smart_downcase_identifier MyScript

Finally say

mulle-bashfunction embed < >

to create a standalone script. This script will run with #! /bin/sh and does not need a mulle-bashfunctions installation.


Your script running under #! /usr/bin/env mulle-bash will have preloaded. So you have access to a basic selection of libraries, namely:

Name Descriptions
compatibility abstraction of zsh and bash differences
logging log support with colorization, zero cost if unused
exekutor run external commands with logging and "dry-run"
file functions to manage files, directories, symlinks
options default handling of command line options and trace support
path functions dealing with file paths
string a multitude of string functions

Use include "<name>" to get access to the functions not included in namely:

Name Descriptions
array maintain arrays as a string separated by linefeeds
case perform camelCase conversions
etc maintain a writable etc folder, shadowed by read-only share
parallel execute parallel processes without swamping the machine
url URL parser
version semver version management major.minor.version


   mulle-bashfunctions [command]

   mulle-bashfunctions main purpose is to help load the library functions
   into an interactive shell. The library functions are almalgamated in a
   file called "". There are variants though (none,
   minimal, all) with different sizes.

   But mulle-bashfunctions can also

   * embed "" into another shell script
   * show the path to ""
   * locate the "" install path for a desired variant
   * show documentation for any of the defined functions
   * list the available libraries, which you can "include"
   * run an arbitrary mulle-bashfunction with eval and r-eval

   Load "" into the current interactive shell:

      eval `mulle-bashfunctions load all`

   apropos <f>    : search for a function by keywords
   embed          : embed mulle-bashfunctions into a script
   env            : print environment needed for ""
   eval <cmd>     : evaluate cmd inside of mulle-bashfunctions
   functions      : list defined functions
   hostname       : show system hostname as used by mulle-bashfunctions
   libraries      : list available libraries
   load [variant] : use  eval `mulle-bashfunctions load`  to load
   man <function> : show documention for function, if available
   new <name>     : prints a mulle-bash shell script
   path [variant] : path to ""
   r-eval <cmd>   : evaluate cmd inside of mulle-bashfunctions and print RVAL
   username       : show username as used by mulle-bashfunctions
   uname          : show system short name as used by mulle-bashfunctions
   version        : print currently used version
   versions       : list installed versions

Developer Info

Runtime environment

If run under zsh, will setopt sh_word_split and setopt POSIX_ARGZERO and will also set -o GLOB_SUBST.

  • pipefail is set and expected to be kept.
  • extglob is set and required for bash and zsh for a few functions.
  • expand_aliases is set and required for use of the .for .do .done macros.
  • -u or +u should work
  • -e will not work (!)
  • posix is turned off

Glob settings are unaffected and expected to be enabled by default.


RVAL is a global variable. It is used to pass return values from functions. The RVAL value can be clobbered by any function. Functions that return RVAL are prefixed with r_ or _r_ or some such. Functions that return multiple values are currently prefixed with __. This may change to g_ in the future.


Do not edit the amalgamated mulle-bashfunctions*.sh files, they are generated by running cmake . in the project directory. Check out the small pamphlet Modern Bash (Zsh) Scripting by yours truly, for some background information on the techniques being used.


The command to install the latest mulle-bashfunctions into /usr/local (with sudo) is:

curl -L '' \
 | tar xfz - && cd 'mulle-bashfunctions-latest' && sudo ./bin/installer /usr/local


OS Command Comment
macos brew install mulle-kybernetik/mulle-bashfunctions
linux apt install mulle-bashfunctions See here for apt repository


Nat! for Mulle kybernetiK


🥊 Write portable shell scripts that run in bash and zsh






Contributors 3
