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A tool to make el-dialog and el-form work eaiser, especially for creating dialog to support two states, such as add and edit.


Demo code



  1. confirm and cancel
    el-dialog of element-ui doesn't contain confirm and cancel button. Buttons need to be added to dialog by slot. It is a flexible design and split features to different components. At the same time, this design brings inconvinience and annoyance when lots of Dialog with buttons is used in the project. the following code need to be repeated again and again.

      <span>some message/span>
      <span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
        <el-button @click="dialogVisible = false">cancel</el-button>
        <el-button type="primary" @click="dialogVisible = false">confirm</el-button>
  2. validate
    If dialog is used with el-form, then every time the confirm button is clicked, the data in form need to be validated, and every time the dialog is closed, the validate need to be cleared. This logic is also need to be repeated again and again.

  3. dialog for 2 states
    a typical scenerio is that we need dialogs to create and edit some data. most of the time, The 2 dialogs are similiar. If we write 2 standalone dialog components, it make redudant code, and dialog instance is doubled in run time. If we write 1 dialog component, then we need to handle the complexity of the 2 states.

  4. loading
    when confirm is clicked, most of the time we send a http request, which means we need to show loading and hide loading.

This library handle all the above issues for you, and make you focus on your business logic.


yarn add element-ui
npm install --save-dev element-ui

import ElementUI from 'element-ui'
import 'element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/index.css'

yarn add el-form-dialog
cnpm install --save-dev el-form-dialog

import { createFormDialog } from 'el-form-dialog'

For a 2 state dialog, take add and edit as an example, we only care the followings:

  1. the form in dialog (teamplte、data schema、validate)
  2. dialog title in add and edit states
  3. label of confirm and cancel buttons
  4. a event to emit the new data. which we can listen on and do somthing with.

Step 1: create a Form


  <el-form :model='data' :rules='rules' ref='form'> // model prop must be data, el-form must have ref attribute whose value is form
    <el-form-item label="type" prop="type">
      <el-input v-model="data.type"></el-input>
    <el-form-item label="name" prop="name">
      <el-input v-model=""></el-input>
    <el-form-item label="time" prop="time">
      <el-input v-model="data.time"></el-input>
    <div v-if="!this.inStateOne"> // show more thing in edit state
      nanjing zoo

export default {
  props: {
    inStateOne: Boolean         // optional
  data() {
    return {
      data: {},             // must
      rules: {
        type: [             // el-form validate is excuted when `confirm` button clicked.
          { required: true, message: 'type can not be empty', trigger: 'blur' },
          { max: 5, message: 'type too long', trigger: 'blur' },
  computed: {
    defaultData() {         // must
      return {
        type: '',
        name: '',
        time: new Date()
  methods: {
    _getData() {             // optional
      return {,
        zoo: 'nanjing'
    _setData(data) {        // optional = {,
        zoo1: 'nanjing'

This form is basically same to el-form, only few specifics need you attention.

prop vue property type optional desc
inStateOne props optional inStateOne can be leveraged to distinguish the difference of 2 state, refer to the usage of v-if="!this.inStateOne" in the sample
defaultData data/computed must the data for stateOne, can be directly assigned as data, or genarated dymaticially as computed
data data must used by the library as model prop of el-form, just set it as {},
_getData methods optional convert inner data to confirm event data if provided
_setData methods optional convert outer or default data to inner data if provided

el-form must have ref attribute,whose value must be form model prop of el-form must be data. when outer data schema is different to inner data, _getData and _setData can be leveraged to handle.

Step 2: Create Dialog

leverage createFormDialogto create Dialog

import { createFormDialog } from 'el-form-dialog'

createFormDialog(config: Config, mixin: VueMixin) : (form: VueConstructor) => VueConstructor

inteface Config {
  confirm? = (data) => void,  // use with vuex, define the callback of `confirm` click
  stateOneTitle? = 'add',     // title of state one dialog (add dialog here)
  stateTwoTitle? = 'edit',    // title of state two dialog (edit dialog here)
  confirmText? = 'confirm',   // label of confirm button
  cancelText? = 'cancel'      // label of cancel button

first parameter of createFormDialog is of type Config. configration is stting by this parameter.

the confirm is a callback function for confirm button click,the function call is bind to the generated dialog instance,so you can call dialog instance methods in confirm by this.

2nd parameter is a Vue mixin, which is used to customize the generated dialog deeply. it is used with vuex in general.

createFormDialog returns a function, which accepts the form components we created in Step1 as parameter, and returns the final generated Dialog.

The generated Dialog has the following props, events and methods:

  • props
property desc
inStateOne default as true. true to indicate the Dialog is in state one, false to indicate the Dialog is in state two
loading with .sync modifier. true to indicate confirm button show loading
visible with .sync modifier. true to indicate the Dialog to show
data outData to show in state 2 form
dialogProps el-dialog props, reference to this
  • event
property payload desc
confirm model of el-form emit when confirm button is clicked and the form is valid
  • methods
property desc
closeDialog close the Dialog
showLoading make confirm button loading show
showLoading make confirm button loading hide

Step 3: use the generated dialog

The Dialog can be used in 2 scenerio, with-vuex or without-vuex

with Vuex

When the generated dialog is used with Vuex, business logic of confirm button click is suggested to implemented in confirm property of the first parameter createFormDialog. closeDialogshowLoading and showLoading can be leveraged to control the UI show.

// StaffFormDialog.js
import StaffForm from './StaffForm'

import { createNamespacedHelpers } from 'vuex'
const { mapActions } = createNamespacedHelpers('staffs')

export default createFormDialog(
    stateOneTitle: 'add staff',
    stateTwoTitle: 'edit staff',
    async confirm(data) {
      // logic is simple here due to vuex
      try {
        if (this.inStateOne) {
          await this.add()
        } else {
          await this.edit()
      } catch (e) {

      this.closeDialog() // close Dialog
    methods: {
// business logic is implemented in vux and `confirm`. In this senerio, just provide edit value for edit state, and change state and control the open when use the generated dialog.

    <el-button @click="addStaff">add staff</el-button>
    <el-button @click="editStaff">edit staff</el-button>
  import StaffFormDialog from './StaffFormDialog'
  export default {
    name: 'App',
    components: {
    data() {
      return {
        visible: false,
        adding: false,
        datas: [
            name: 'Leon',
            age: '10'
            name: 'candy',
            age: '9'
        data: {}
    methods: {
      addStaff() {
        this.adding = true
        this.visible = true
      editStaff() { = this.datas[Math.random() < 0.5 ? 0 : 1]
        this.adding = false
        this.visible = true

without vuex

For small project, vuex is not necessary, somtime event too heavy. we need to handle business logic when use the generated dialog.

// AnimalFormDialog.vue

// Dailog creat is sample, no business logic here

import AnimalForm from './AnimalForm'
import { createFormDialog } from '@/index'

export default createFormDialog({
  stateOneTitle: 'add animal',
  stateTwoTitle: 'edit animal'
// Dialog usage code become complex, need pass loading prop to control the loading show. event `confirm` is listened to handle the  business logic in this scenario

    <el-button @click="addAnimal">add animal</el-button>
    <el-button @click="editAnimal">edit animal</el-button>

      :loading.sync='loading'   // only need without vuex
      @confirm='confirmAnimal'> // only need without vuex.

import AnimalFormDialog from './AnimalFormDialog'

export default {
  name: 'App',
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      animalDialogOpen: false,
      animalData: {
        type: '猫科',
        name: '老虎'
      loading: false
  methods: {
    addAnimal() {
      this.adding = true
      this.animalDialogOpen = true
    editAnimal() {
      this.adding = false
      this.animalDialogOpen = true
    async confirmAnimal(data) {
      this.loading = true
      await sleep(1000)
      // your business logic here
      if (this.adding) {

      } else {
        this.animalData = data
      this.loading = false
      this.animalDialogOpen = false