Ray tracer written/translated from the C++ code in Ray Tracing in One Weekend book.
use the following commands to get the final product for each book
cargo run --bin "in_one_weekend" > a.ppm
cargo run --bin "the_next_week" > b.ppm
cargo run --bin "the_rest_of_your_life" > c.ppm
Final render scene is shown below. All other renders made while working through the book can be found in output folder in ppm and png format. Exports in png were created with gimp.
This also includes the code for the second book in the series, Ray Tracing: the Next Week.
Final render for the second book is shown below.
And now, it includes the code for the last book in the series, Ray Tracing: The Rest of Your Life. Also, the final render of book 3 is below.