This directory offers a Rime plugin named rime-sample
Here's how a Rime plugin works:
A plugin can either be linked to librime or be a separate shared library,
corresponding to the BUILD_MERGED_PLUGINS
cmake option.
When the shared library is loaded, it registers itself as module sample
If otherwise it's built-in, the module will be automatically loaded by default.
When Rime initialize
s via API, it loads its default modules or modules
specified by the caller in RimeTraits::modules
Modules can also be loaded on demand using C++ API rime::LoadModules()
When the module is loaded, the rime_sample_initialize()
function is run,
which registers a component trivial_translator
That component is now available for prescription in Rime schema. It works with the Rime engine in the same way as the built-in translators.
cd librime
cmake --build build --target rime-sample
This outputs shared library: build/sample/lib/
option is not required but builds faster because
only depends on the core module of librime.
cmake --build build --target sample_test
# run tests
converts pinyin to Chinese numbers.
A sample Rime schema is set up in build/bin/sample.schema.yaml
to utilize
the translator.
Build the console app and try it with a random number in pinyin:
cmake --build build --target sample_console
cd build/sample/bin
echo "yibaiershisanwansiqianlingwushiliu" | ./sample_console
Unlike the sample, which is built after specific rules in librime's cmake script, standard Rime plugins are separate projects that automatically integrate into librime's build system, without having to modify any source code and build script.
To build the sample plugin as standard Rime plugin, link or copy the source code
directory to plugins/sample
and turn off cmake flag BUILD_SAMPLE=OFF
. is the same sample plugin in its separate GitHub repository. You can checkout plugins (a list of slugs) with this command:
cd librime
bash rime/librime-sample # ...
merges all detected plugins into the
built rime
library. Set the option off to build each plugin as a standalone
(shared) library. In the latter case, the user needs to explicitly load the
library and load the sample
module when initialize