Volkswagen Connect - An Home Assistant custom component to interact with the VW Connect service. (EU ONLY)
Welcome to Volkswagen Connect custom component designed for Home Assistant with the capability to interact with the Volkswagen Connect service (your car).
This custom component supports the Volkswagen Connect cars such as the Passat, Golf, e-Golf, Tiguan, ID etc. It requires you to have an active and working VW online subscription connected to your car. The new electric vehicles such as the ID series are supported as well.
Most of the functionality found the "Volkswagen Connect app" should be available via this integration, this includes options such as auxiliary heater control.
Please note that there has only been reports of success with this component for cars sold (and based) in the EU. Please feel free to contribue to make this component work in the US as well, we do not have access to any Volkswagen Connect accounts to verify at this stage.
Please, before posting an issue make sure that VWΒ΄s Connect service works for you via a normal web browser. Not only the login part but also make sure that the VW Connect service interacts with the car proper, including updating of all sensors and location. If there are problems with the VW Connect service this component will not work either. This custom component is only as good as the VW Connect service.
- Remove all configuration from Home Assistants config file configuration.yaml
- Upgrade the component via HACS or manually replace the files in the custom_component folder (see install manually below)
- Restart Home Assistant
- Add the component again as per below (install+configuration)
Do you you have HACS installed? Just search for Volkswagen Connect and install it direct from HACS. HACS will keep track of updates and you can easly upgrade this component to latest version.
Make sure you have an account on Volkswagen Connect.
Clone or copy the repository and copy the folder 'homeassistant-volkswagencarnet/custom_component/volkswagencarnet' into '/custom_components'
Note that only the packaged releases (zip file) have the dependencies configured so that Home Assistant can find them automatically, but if you use the source code or git branch, you need to manually install the correct versions of all dependencies also using something like pip install -r requirements.txt
- Restart Home Assistant
- Add and configure the component via the UI: Configuration > Integrations > search for "Volkswagen Connect" and follow the wizard to configure (use your Volkswagen Connect credentials)
- All available features of your car should be added automatically after you have selected the VIN
- Name your car - Enter a custom name, defaults to VIN (Optional)
- Username/Password - Volkswagen Connect (Required)
- Region - The country where the car was sold (Required)
- Mutable - If enabled you can interact with the car, if disabled only data from the car will be presented (Optional)
- S-PIN - Required for some specific options such as lock/unlock (Optional)
- Distance unit conversion - Select if you wish to use "Swedish mil" or Imperial Miles instead of KM (Optional, default is KM)
Note that the Volkswagen API has a connection limit of 480 calls/day, which correspond to the default 5 minute interval. If you also want to use the app, or be able to force refresh, increase this interval to make space for that.
This plugin creates entities in the format DOMAIN.NAME_ENTITY
. Not all entities are created for all make, year and models, for example pure electric cars will not have entities only applicable to cars with a combustion engine.
In this example we are sending notifications to an ios device
Save these automations in your automations file <config dir>/automations.yaml
Get notification when your car is on a new place and show a map with start position and end position
- id: notify_volkswagen_position_change
description: Notify when position has been changed
alias: VW position changed notification
- trigger: state
entity_id: device_tracker.vw_carid
- action: notify.ios_my_ios_device
title: "Passat GTE Position Changed"
message: |
π VW Car is now on a new place.
url: /lovelace/car
'apns-collapse-id': 'car_position_state_{{ trigger.entity_id.split(".")[1] }}'
category: map
thread-id: "HA Car Status"
latitude: "{{trigger.from_state.attributes.latitude}}"
longitude: "{{trigger.from_state.attributes.longitude}}"
second_latitude: "{{trigger.to_state.attributes.latitude}}"
second_longitude: "{{trigger.to_state.attributes.longitude}}"
shows_traffic: true
- id: notify_volkswagen_climatisation
description: Notify when climatisation state changes
alias: VW climatisation notifications
- trigger: state
entity_id: switch.vw_carid_electric_climatisation
from: 'off'
to: 'on'
- trigger: state
entity_id: switch.vw_carid_electric_climatisation
from: 'on'
to: 'off'
- action: notify.ios_my_ios_device
title: "VW Car Climatisation State"
message: |
π VW Climatisation has {% if trigger.to_state.state == 'on' %}been started{% else %}stopped{% endif %}.
url: /lovelace/car
'apns-collapse-id': 'car_climatisation_state_{{ trigger.entity_id.split(".")[1] }}'
thread-id: "HA Car Status"
- id: notify_volkswagen_charging
description: Notify when charging state changes
alias: VW charging notifications
- trigger: state
entity_id: switch.vw_carid_charging
from: 'off'
to: 'on'
- trigger: state
entity_id: switch.vw_carid_charging
from: 'on'
to: 'off'
# delay so charging time gets updated
- delay: '00:00:05'
- action: notify.ios_my_ios_device
title: "VW Car Charging State"
message: |
π VW {% if trigger.to_state.state == 'on' %}is now charging{% else %}has stopped charging{% endif %}.
{% if trigger.to_state.state == 'on' %}β° {{ states('sensor.vw_carid_charging_time_left_2') }} minutes untill battery is fully charged.{% endif %}
url: /lovelace/car
'apns-collapse-id': 'car_charging_state_{{ trigger.entity_id.split(".")[1] }}'
thread-id: "HA Car Status"
- id: notify_volkswagen_battery_full
description: Notify when battery is fully charged
alias: VW battery level full Notifications
- trigger: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.vw_carid_battery_level
above: 99
- action: notify.ios_my_ios_device
title: "Passat GTE Fully Charged"
message: |
π VW is now fully charged.
url: /lovelace/car
'apns-collapse-id': 'car_battery_state_{{ trigger.entity_id.split(".")[1] }}'
thread-id: "HA Car Status"
- id: 'notify_volkswagen_car_is_unlocked'
alias: VW is at home and unlocked
- trigger: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.vw_carid_external_power
to: 'on'
for: 00:10:00
- condition: state
entity_id: lock.vw_carid_door_locked
state: unlocked
- condition: state
entity_id: device_tracker.my_device
state: home
- condition: time
after: '07:00:00'
before: '21:00:00'
# Notification via push message to smartphone
- action: notify.device
message: "The car is unlocked!"
- device/my_device
# Notification via smart speaker (kitchen)
- action: media_player.volume_set
volume_level: '0.6'
- action: tts.google_translate_say
message: "My Lord, the car is unlocked. Please attend this this issue at your earliest inconvenience!"
This integration may only report the electrical engine consumption, recuperation and auxillary consumer consumption, but no combined total. This example template sensor implements the missing sensor. Add to configuration.yaml and replace [ID] by your car's name.
- platform: template
value_template: >-
{{ ( states('sensor.[ID]_last_trip_average_electric_engine_consumption') | float
+ states('sensor.[ID]_last_trip_average_auxillary_consumer_consumption') | float
- states('sensor.[ID]_last_trip_average_recuperation') | float
) | round(1) }}
unit_of_measurement: 'kWh/100km'
friendly_name: '[ID] Last trip total electric consumption'
As of v4.4.45 the same can be acheived by setting the distance units to Imperial in the integration configuration page.
These templates create a new sensor with kilometers converted to miles. Add to your configuration.yaml and replace [ID] with your car's name. Note: these are for a BEV, other models may have different sensor names.
- platform: template
friendly_name: '[ID] Service inspection distance miles'
value_template: "{{ (states('sensor.[ID]_service_inspection_distance').split(' ')[0] |int * 0.6213712) | round(0)}}"
unique_id: [ID]inspectionmiles
unit_of_measurement: mi
icon_template: mdi:garage
friendly_name: '[ID] range miles'
value_template: "{{ (states('sensor.[ID]_combined_range').split(' ')[0] |int * 0.6213712) | round(0)}}"
unique_id: [ID]rangemiles
unit_of_measurement: mi
icon_template: mdi:car
friendly_name: '[ID] Odometer miles'
value_template: "{{ (states('sensor.[ID]_odometer').split(' ')[0] |int * 0.6213712) | round(0)}}"
unique_id: [ID]odometermiles
unit_of_measurement: mi
icon_template: mdi:speedometer
friendly_name: '[ID] Last trip average speed miles'
value_template: "{{ (states('sensor.[ID]_last_trip_average_speed').split(' ')[0] |int * 0.6213712) | round(0)}}"
unique_id: [ID]ltaspeedmi
unit_of_measurement: mi/h
icon_template: mdi:speedometer
friendly_name: '[ID] Last trip length miles'
value_template: "{{ (states('sensor.[ID]_last_trip_length').split(' ')[0] |int * 0.6213712) | round(0)}}"
unique_id: johnny5lasttriplengthmiles
unit_of_measurement: mi
icon_template: mdi:map-marker-distance
friendly_name: '[ID] Last trip average electric engine consumption miles'
value_template: "{{ (states('sensor.[ID]_last_trip_average_electric_engine_consumption').split(' ')[0] |float * 0.6213712) | round(2)}}"
unique_id: [ID]avgelectconmiles
unit_of_measurement: kWh/100mi
icon_template: mdi:car-battery
Check out this Wiki page:
Check out this awesome lovelace card by endor
Tristan created a german video how to setup and use this integration. It also includes some automation in Node-RED.