Converts a ROS2 sensor_msgs/msg/Image
to QImage.
Binary installation is available. Source your ROS installation, then run:
sudo apt install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-ros-image-to-qimage
Alternatively to build from source, source your ROS installation, then run the following in your ROS workspace:
// For ROS 2 Iron / Rolling
git clone src/ros_image_to_qimage
colcon build
// For ROS 2 Humble
git clone src/ros_image_to_qimage --branch humble
colcon build
#include "ros_image_to_qimage/ros_image_to_qimage.hpp"
void imageCallback(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& msg)
QImage qImage = ros_image_to_qimage::Convert(*msg);
For your package.xml, add
For your CMakeLists.txt, suppose we want to link my_target
against this library:
find_package(ros_image_to_qimage REQUIRED)
ament_target_dependencies(my_target ros_image_to_qimage)
from ros_image_to_qimage import ros_image_to_qimage
def image_callback(self, msg):
qimage = ros_image_to_qimage.convert(msg)
For your package.xml, add