The purpose of this package is to provide a generic facility for tele-operating Twist-based ROS 2 robots with a standard joystick. It converts joy messages to velocity commands.
This node provides no rate limiting or autorepeat functionality. It is expected that you take advantage of the features built into joy for this.
The package comes with the teleop_node
that republishes sensor_msgs/msg/Joy
messages as scaled geometry_msgs/msg/Twist
The message type can be changed to geometry_msgs/msg/TwistStamped
by the publish_stamped_twist
joy (sensor_msgs/msg/Joy)
- Joystick messages to be translated to velocity commands.
cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/msg/Twist or geometry_msgs/msg/TwistStamped)
- Command velocity messages arising from Joystick commands.
require_enable_button (bool, default: true)
- Whether to require the enable button for enabling movement.
enable_button (int, default: 0)
- Joystick button to enable regular-speed movement.
enable_turbo_button (int, default: -1)
- Joystick button to enable high-speed movement (disabled when -1).
- Joystick axis to use for linear movement control.
axis_linear.x (int, default: 5)
axis_linear.y (int, default: -1)
axis_linear.z (int, default: -1)
- Scale to apply to joystick linear axis for regular-speed movement.
scale_linear.x (double, default: 0.5)
scale_linear.y (double, default: 0.0)
scale_linear.z (double, default: 0.0)
- Scale to apply to joystick linear axis for high-speed movement.
scale_linear_turbo.x (double, default: 1.0)
scale_linear_turbo.y (double, default: 0.0)
scale_linear_turbo.z (double, default: 0.0)
- Joystick axis to use for angular movement control.
axis_angular.yaw (int, default: 2)
axis_angular.pitch (int, default: -1)
axis_angular.roll (int, default: -1)
- Scale to apply to joystick angular axis.
scale_angular.yaw (double, default: 0.5)
scale_angular.pitch (double, default: 0.0)
scale_angular.roll (double, default: 0.0)
- Scale to apply to joystick angular axis for high-speed movement.
scale_angular_turbo.yaw (double, default: 1.0)
scale_angular_turbo.pitch (double, default: 0.0)
scale_angular_turbo.roll (double, default: 0.0)
inverted_reverse (bool, default: false)
- Whether to invert turning left-right while reversing (useful for differential wheeled robots).
publish_stamped_twist (bool, default: false)
- Whether to publish
for command velocity messages.
- Whether to publish
frame (string, default: 'teleop_twist_joy')
- Frame name used for the header of TwistStamped messages.
For most users building from source will not be required, execute apt-get install ros-<rosdistro>-teleop-twist-joy
to install.
A launch file has been provided which has three arguments which can be changed in the terminal or via your own launch file. To configure the node to match your joystick a config file can be used. There are several common ones provided in this package (atk3, ps3-holonomic, ps3, xbox, xd3), located here:
PS3 is default, to run for another config (e.g. xbox) use this:
ros2 launch teleop_twist_joy joy_config:='xbox'
Note: this launch file also launches the joy
node so do not run it separately.
joy_config (string, default: 'ps3')
- Config file to use
joy_dev (string, default: '0')
- Joystick device to use
config_filepath (string, default: '/opt/ros/<rosdistro>/share/teleop_twist_joy/config/' + LaunchConfig('joy_config') + '.config.yaml')
- Path to config files
publish_stamped_twist (bool, default: false)
- Whether to publish
for command velocity messages.
- Whether to publish