inspired by robbyrussell theme
- customized prompt
- and `LS_COLORS’
- zsh
- oh-my-zsh
user >> ~/path git(BRANCH -> REMOTE INFO [!.]) <INPUT>
- ^NUM
- ahead
- _NUM(underscore)
- behind
- *NUM
- untacked files
- ,NUM
- staged but not commited yet
- +NUM
- modified files
- ?NUM
- conficted files
- @NUM
- stash
- !
- “dirty” directory
- .(period)
- “clean” directory
- clone this repo
git clone ""
- copy sdt.zsh-theme file to $ZSH_CUSTOM/themes, then change zshrc file.
- or run
. ./install
- please make sure this script haing excutable permission.
- please confirm omz custom directory before it cp theme file into it.
- this script will owverwrite the existing theme file with same name.