Simple global shortcuts in macOS. HotKey wraps the Carbon APIs for dealing with global hot keys to make it easy to use in Swift.
For installation with Swift Package Manager, simply add the following to your Package.swift
.package(url: "", from: "0.2.1")
For installation with Carthage, simply add the following to your Cartfile
github "soffes/HotKey"
For installation with CocoaPods, simply add the following to your Podfile
pod 'HotKey'
Simply initialize a HotKey
with a key and modifiers:
// Setup hot key for ⌥⌘R
let hotKey = HotKey(key: .r, modifiers: [.command, .option])
This is a convenice initializer that creates a KeyCombo
for you. You can also initialize with a Carbon key code and Carbon modifier flags if you’re feeling old school.
Now you can set the keyDownHandler
and get callbacks for when your hot key is pressed:
hotKey.keyDownHandler = {
print("Pressed at \(Date())")
You can also implement hotKey.keyUpHandler
if you’d like.
You don’t need to think about when handlers are registered and unregistered. This all happens automatically based on the HotKey
object’s lifecycle.
HotKey was heavily inspired by PTHotKey.