This is a text-mode pong game, written in C without using any operating system or standard-library. It will run on bare metal hardware but also under DOS and DOS emulators.
There are floppy loaders around, that load com files directly. One of these was used to create floppy.img. You can boot any PC with it and run pong without os or even a hard disk.
It uses bcc/dev86 as compiler and all IO (keyboard, video) is done via BIOS-interrupts and inline assembler. See source code for details, it's quite easy...
On linux-systems you can use my makefile for starting either qemu or dosbox:
$ make qemu
$ make dosbox
If you don't have 'em installed, here's how to do that on debian (ubuntu):
$ apt-get install dosbox qemu
You'll only need "dev86 / bcc" and "make"
$ apt-get install bcc make
There are different target for make:
- all
- copy_to_floppy
- dosbox
- qemu
all builds x86-pong. copy_to_floppy updates the pc-booter floppy image with the current dosbox starts dosbox with my provided dosbox.conf qemu starts qemu-system-i386 with the pc-booter-image
Here's the home of the bootloader on the floppy image: