A dumping ground for my files I use with this awesome crypto currency trading platform https://github.com/askmike/gekko
For the latest GekkoGA files you can find the repository here: https://github.com/gekkowarez/gekkoga/
Indicators: Place the indicators into the Strategies / Indicators folder then reference them inside your strategy.
TWIG.js This is a TWIGs indicator based on https://www.incrediblecharts.com/indicators/twiggs_money_flow.php
twigg:{ ema: 10, adx: 50, optInTimePeriod: 14, },
FIBO.js This is a fibonnaci retracement indicator that works out the fib levels.
config.FIBO = { optInTimePeriod: 14, optInAcceleration: 0, optInMaximum: 0, histSize: 1000, eps: 0.1, ema: 21, adx: 50,
optInTimePeriod: 14
rocbuythreshold :0,
rocsellthreshold :10,
negativeroccount :3,
positiveroccount :3,
mfithreshold :55,
adxthreshold :50.2,
minusgap: 16,
plusgap: 18
TABBS - indicator implementation of bollinger bands using https://github.com/anandanand84/technicalindicators
TABBSLINREG - indicator that outputs a linear regression PearsonsR of the BB% this.tfbb.addIndicator('tabbs', 'TABBSLINREG', {count: settings.bb_period, standarddeviation: settings.bb_standarddeviation, bblinregupperdeviation: 2, bblinreglowerdeviation: 2 });
Writing CSV of strat output candles
Install fs
Add this to the top of the strat: var fsw = require('fs');
Add this in .update under your logic etc I've used adx as an example:
grreadtime = candle.start.toDate(); headertxt = "date,price,adx,buys (USD),sells (BTC)\n"; outtxt = grreadtime+","+ price+","+adxresult+","+buytime+","+selltime+"\n";
if(headerset==""){ fsw.appendFileSync(this.fname, headertxt, encoding='utf8'); headerset = "1"; }
fsw.appendFileSync(this.fname, outtxt, encoding='utf8'); outtxt = "";
Running Gekko in Bash on Windows 10
SQLite wont work with Pragma WAL so open the db with DB Browser for SQLite and change the db Pragma to DEL or OFF. Then in F:\bash\gekko052\gekko\plugins\sqlite\handle.js change WAL to DEL (line 53).
Having memory issues?
Use node --max-old-space-size=8192 server.js which gives node 8gig to play with rather than 1.5 which sucks.
If you want candleprops (1000 historical candles) to be available to your strategies you can either include a talib indicator in your strategy (yuck, slow for backtests), or open plugins/baseTradingMethods.js and commend out the line below and the corresponding close bracket:
// if(this.asyncTick) {