- Live: http://voicerepublic.com
VR is being developed on Ruby 2.1.2. See .ruby-version.
The use of rbenv and ruby-build instead of RVM is highly recommended.
(cd ~/.rbenv && git pull)
(cd ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build && git pull)
rbenv install 2.1.2
gem install bundler
- postgresql-contrib-9.1
- libpcre++-dev
- libav-tools
- sox
- vorbis-tools
- libreadline-dev
- libpq-dev
make sure you install those before you proceed to the next point, since some (-dev) packages are needed in the following steps.
git clone https://github.com/sstephenson/rbenv.git ~/.rbenv
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.zshrc
. ~/.zshrc
git clone https://github.com/sstephenson/ruby-build.git ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build
rbenv install `cat .ruby-version`
rbenv will install shim executables that understand rbenv settings. However you will face the problem, that your shell remembers the location of executables you have allready used. So before you use an executable that should be aware of rbenv you'll either need to launch a new shell or delete your shell's idea of where the executable is with:
hash -r some_executable
This is namely the case with bundle
and cap
Now install bundler and capistrano versions for the chosen ruby version:
gem install bundler
gem install capistrano
Now start a new shell or issue
hash -r bundle
To make you shell find the springified binstubs, put this in your
shell's config (e.g. .zshrc
or .bashrc
export PATH=./bin:$PATH
cp config/database.yml.example \
config/database.yml # use an appropriate db config
# edit template files
rake db:setup # this requires an internet connection, also
# [also see note below]
rake db:migrate # also requires an internet connection
rake db:sync:live
rake db:sync:live_images
Above the step rake db:setup
probably fails, if the connecting user
in database.yml doesn't have 'superuser' rights when connecting to the
psql server. So you might want to replace that step by:
$ sudo su
# su - postgres
$ psql
postgres=# create database vr_development owner your_db_user;
Make sure postgresql-contrib-9.1
is installed.
rake pg_search:multisearch:rebuild\[Talk\]
rake pg_search:multisearch:rebuild\[Venue\]
rake pg_search:multisearch:rebuild\[User\]
Sidenote: This is also automatically done by rake db:create
# su - postgres
$ psql vr_development
vr_development=# CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm;
vr_development=# CREATE EXTENSION unaccent;
Repeat for vr_test
rails s -b
rackup -E production faye.ru -o
lib/flux_capacitor.rb run
rake jobs:work
cd lib/vrng && rlwrap lein figwheel
docker run rabbitmq
sudo apt-get install tmux
rails s -p 3001
Setup: Install phantomjs (globaly)
sudo npm install -g phantomjs
Run all specs
rspec spec
If you want to skip specs tagged as slow or to run in chrome, add this
to your .rspec
--tag ~@driver:chrome
--tag ~@slow
To run specs tagged to run in chrome
rspec --tag @driver:chrome
To run specs tagged as slow
rspec --tag @slow
Setup: Install karma & coffee-script
sudo npm install -g karma
sudo npm install -g karma-ng-scenario
sudo npm install -g coffee-script
Run Jasmine specs for Angular with Karma
karma start spec/javascripts/livepage.conf.js.coffee
See fidelity for details.
Pull complete audio data for a given talk from s3
s3cmd sync s3://vr-live-media/vr-1799 .
Sometimes it is a good idea to delete the journal
rm vr-1799/1799.journal
Run fidelity on it
fidelity run vr-1799/manifest-1799.yml
To update fidelity, run
bundle update --source fidelity
For general platform and development documentation please refer to the GitHub wiki pages.
railroady -M | dot -Tsvg > doc/models_complete.svg
railroady -b -M | dot -Tsvg > doc/models_brief.svg
railroady -C | dot -Tsvg > doc/controllers_complete.svg
railroady -b -C | dot -Tsvg > doc/controllers_brief.svg
mscgen -T svg -o doc/streaming.svg doc/streaming.msc
mscgen -T png -o doc/streaming.png doc/streaming.msc
dot -Tsvg doc/fsm_venue.dot > doc/fsm_venue.svg
dot -Tpng doc/fsm_venue.dot > doc/fsm_venue.png
dot -Tsvg doc/fsm_device.dot > doc/fsm_device.svg
dot -Tpng doc/fsm_device.dot > doc/fsm_device.png
Config entries are compiled from:
Settings defined in files that are lower in the list override settings higher.
IMPORTANT! We break we this schema of reading config files when it
comes to microservices. The services (in app/services
) rarely boot
the whole rails stack (this keeps the memory footprint low). As a side
effect they don't have access to the whole settings. Only settings in
the settings.local.yml
will be available to microservices.
These files...
(except the svg) are linked to from...
It makes since to put these NOT in app/assets/images
, otherwise the
MUAs will get 404s on emails that were sent from older releases.
Deploying requires the presence of the ssh agent (because credentials will be forwarded to the target machine). So make sure, you have done a:
before you continue with:
cap staging deploy
Deploy a specific branch to staging, e.g.
REVISION=feature/65463494/subscribe_podcast cap staging deploy
If you don't have it already you realy should install tree
% sudo apt-get install tree
To stream locally, build the docker container:
docker build -t branch14/icecast2 lib/icebox
Open two browser windows (with different sessions, one should be the
host) and direct them to show the same talk. In a terminal start
. Attention: This will delete all previous recordings! (Never
ever run this in production!)
% bin/vr_delete_and_watch
On a rails console, pick the talk you want to work with (e.g. id 42) and reset it to start soon, there is a nifty helper for that.
t = Talk.find(42); nil
This will also trigger a reload of the browsers. It will record a couple of seconds pretalk. You should see the file size in 'watch' console go up. After the time to start is up it will switch to live mode automatically. With your second browser you should hear yourself now. If you don't have a headset plugged in this will very likely create a feedback loop. (Reload the host at least once if you want to have multiple files. These will show up on the 'watch' console.)
Click End Talk
to end the talk. On the rails console kick off post
processing (in User Acceptance Test mode) with:
t.reload.send(:postprocess!, true)
Views will change. A journal file shows up in the 'watch'
console. When running with parameter true
a debugger
will hold before each Audio::Strategy to inspect the precondition and
outcome in vrwatch
. Type c
and Enter
to continue to the next
strategy. It will output the shell-out-commands prefixed with
, any errors and in red the next strategy to run. (At this
point you can run the shell-out-commands under local/recordings
play with them and tweak stuff.)
After the last strategy post processing will move the files from
to archive
resp. archive_raw
. It'll also create
symlinks to access these files via public/system/audio
At that point the history of you rails console will be dead -- no clue why. But you can simply quit the console and restart it to get it back.
Restart vrwatch
to remove the artifacts and start over.
$ current
$ be bin/init/private_pub start
$ be bin/init/localeapp start
# /etc/init.d/monit restart
sudo apt-get install libsox-fmt-mp3
soxi -D file.wav
avconv -y -i file.wav -acodec libspeex -ar 16k -ac 1 file.flv
sox --norm 90.mp3 90.wav
sox 90.wav 90-vad.wav vad
oggenc x.wav
avconv -y -i x.wav x.mp3
avconv -y -i x.wav -b:a 64k -strict experimental x.m4a
sox -c 2 vrs.wav lib/audio/files/vr_stop.wav rate -L 44.1k
find ./ -name \*.flv -exec avconv -i {} \; 2>&1 | grep Stream
mediainfo -f <file>
User.find_by(slug: 'back2us-radio').set_penalty!(0.5)
Talk.popular.limit(15).each_with_index do |t, i|
puts [i+1, t.popularity, t.penalty, t.id, t.title]*"\t"
end; nil
id = 3322
Talk.find(id).update_attribute(:state, 'postlive')
Delayed::Job.enqueue(Postprocess.new(id: id), queue: 'audio')
Talk.order('RANDOM()').limit(3).each do |t|
t.update_attribute :featured_from, 1.day.ago
PrivatePub.publish_to '/t737/public', event: 'Reload'
PrivatePub.publish_to '/t1857/u1462094', { exec: 'alert("Hallo, hab gerade reingehoert, ich erklaere dir gerne wie du die Soundqualitaet merklich verbessern kannst. Meld dich dazu mal ueber unser Feeback Tool unten rechts. Gruss phil")' }
Talk.archived.order('play_count DESC').each do |talk|
puts talk.id
if talk.recording_override.blank?
Delayed::Job.enqueue(Reprocess.new(talk.id), queue: 'prio')
Delayed::Job.enqueue(ProcessOverride.new(talk.id), queue: 'prio')
puts *Talk.where("uri like 'lt%'").order(:id).map { |t| '% 4s % 5s % 5s %s' % [t.id, t.storage.values.select { |f| f[:ext]=='.flv' }.inject(0) {|r,s| r + s[:seconds].to_i }, t.recording_override?, t.teaser ] }
FB uses the OpenGraph Protocol to assess how to embed content to the FB timeline. The protocol is described here:
What metadata will actually be read and whether it is valid metadata concerning FB can be checked out here:
FB seems to be able to embed content that has the mime-type (or OpenGraph protocol og:video:type) 'text/html'. However, during my research I have only seen this in action for Youtube and Soundcloud. Interestingly enough, Soundcloud supplies a flash player using OGP, but FB renders a HTML5 player. On StackOverflow I have found comments from FB devs that FB actively works to include other big players content - the rest of us has to do it ourselves.
Point being is that embedding our HTML5 player turned out to not be possible. FB would stop at complaining in the Object Debugger about Unsafe Content being injected and that a safe_url should be specified. From the documentation, this message should indicate that a HTTPS URl should be used. This hasn't helped. From not being able to find any other embedded HTML5 content that is not Youtube or Soundcloud, I come to the conclusion that the Flash API is the only valid option to currently embed rich content to a FB timeline. This is what is currently implemented.
On iOS the player will not run directly, but a click on the 'play' button will result in opening the actual VR page. This is the same workflow that Soundcloud uses.
A screenshot walkthrough of sharing to FB is provided here:
Note: embedding HTML5 to FB can be done in so called "Apps". These are hosted in the 'app.facebook.com/name_of_app' namespace. There, it is easily possible to show our embedded player. However, these apps are intended for different purposes - for example games can be played. These would profit from a strong FB integration (i.e. these games can create 'objects', count them, make relations between other objects and people on FB and then post this information on a timeline ['Alice has thrown 22 sheep on Bob']). Unfortunately, this is something different than embedding foreign rich content onto a FB timeline, however.
ls -la ~/app/shared/log/ | grep -v .gz
tail -f ~/app/shared/log/unicorn.stderr.log
nano ~/.unicorn-config
unicorn_wrapper restart
- Go to https://icomoon.io/app/
- load the json file from
. - Make changes
- "Generate Font"
- Download an updated zip & unpack
cp fonts/* app/assets/fonts
- update
with content ofstyle.css
(only the lower part, keep the top part!) - done
- minify (on the left)
- Touch Events
(Add anything else we need, and add it to this list.)
Download to vendor/assets/modernizr.js
cd lib/vrng
lein figwheel
docker build -t branch14/icecast2 lib/icecast
docker exec -it icecast bash
slug = ''
reload!; Venue.find(slug).reset!
reload!; Venue.find(slug).talks.prelive.first.make_it_start_soon! 91.minutes
reload!; Venue.find(124).reset!
reload!; Talk.find(4147).make_it_start_soon! 91.minutes; nil
Talk.suspended.order('id desc').limit(10).each(&:enqueue!)
puts *Venue.not_offline.pluck(:slug, :state).map { |a| a.join("\t")}
venue = Venue.find('venue-of-senior-hofmann')
talk = venue.talks.suspended.last
talk = Talk.find('ontologische-relativitat')
talk.update_attribute :state, 'postlive'
user.talks.upcoming.each do |t|
t.image = Dragonfly.app.fetch_url('https://voicerepublic.com/Talk_Bild_LBM18.jpg')
You need to have fidelity installed.
mkdir -p /tmp/fid
cd /tmp/fid
If processing goes wrong, download the bucket/prefix in question.
aws s3 sync s3://vr-live-media/vr-6123 .
Run fidelity
fidelity run manifest.yml
And see.
lein upgrade
lein deps
This is best described with an example:
To create a page available as /pages/desktop-live-streaming
you just
need to create a symlink in app/views/pages
ln -s __basic.html.haml app/views/pages/desktop-live-streaming.html.haml
Here we use the template __basic.html.haml
which currently is the
only template. Instances of sections to fill this page will be created
after the new pages as been vistited at least once.
| [email protected]:munen/ | [email protected]:voicerepublic/ |
| fidelity.git | fidelity.git |
| pdf-viewer.git | pdf-viewer.git |
| voicerepublic_backoffice.git | backoffice.git |
| voicerepublic_mobile.git | mobile.git |
| voicerepublic_dev.git | (still on github) |
git remote rm origin
git remote add origin [email protected]:voicerepublic/$REPO
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/integration integration
git pull
git push