reflect srt live stream
- libsrt
- vcpkg install libsrt:x86-windows-static
- vcpkg install libsrt:x64-windows-static
- libcurl
- vcpkg install curl:x86-windows-static
- vcpkg install curl:x64-windows-static
- aws-sdk-cpp (optional: USE_AWSSDK=1)
- vcpkg install aws-sdk-cpp:x64-windows-static
- vcpkg install aws-sdk-cpp:x86-windows-static
- boost
- default : "./srt-live-reflect.conf"
- acccepts C style, C++ style comment and trailing commas
"name": "srt-live-reflect",
"cainfo": "", // path to certificate authority (CA) bundle (empty to skip CA verification) (default:"")
"srtloglevel": "error", // srt log level ["debug" / "note" / "warning" / "error" / "fatal"] (default:"error")
"logger": {
"target": "", // path to log directory (empty to disable logging) (default:"")
"level": "info", // log level ["trace" / "debug" / "info" / "warning" / "error" / "fatal"] (default:"info")
"max_size": 1073741824, // maximum total log size (default:1024*1024*1024)
"max_files": 30, // maximum number of log files (default:30)
"aws": {
"enabled": false, // enable or disable AWSSDK (default:false)
"loglevel": "error", // AWSSDK log level ["trace" / "debug" / "info" / "warning" / "error" / "fatal"] (default:fallback to "logger.level")
"logprefix": "AWSSDK", // prefix for logs from AWSSDK (default:"AWSSDK")
"region": "ap-northeast-1",// AWS region to be used (default:not specified)
"reflects": [{
"app": "live",
"port": 14501,
"backlog": "5",
"option": { // srt options (pre-bind)
"udpsndbuf": 65536,
"udprcvbuf": 65536,
// ... (see:option)
"publish": {
"stats": 600, // period to print statistics in seconds (0:disabled) (default:0)
"option": { // srt options for publish (pre)
"linger": 0,
// ... (see:option)
"access": [ // static access control for publish
"allow":"", // allow from
"name":"stream-*" // apply only resouce name matches (default:"*") (see:streamid)
{"deny":"all"} // deny all others
"on_pre_accept": "", // dynamic access control for publish
// "on_accept": "" // comment out
"play": {
"option": { // srt options for play (pre)
"maxbw": 0,
"inputbw": 0,
"oheadbw": 25,
// ... (see:option)
"access": [ // static access control for play
// "on_pre_accept": "",
// "on_accept": ""
"loopRecs": [{
"name": "stream-A", // resource name to be recorded
"dir": "./stream-A", // path to directory where the recorded files will be created (default:"./" + resource name)
"data_extension": ".dat", // extension for data files (default:".dat")
"index_extension": ".idx", // extension for index files (default:".idx")
"segment_duration": 600, // duration of the recorded file per segment in seconds (default:600)
"total_duration": 3600, // total duration of loop recording in seconds (default:3600)
"index_interval": 100, // indexing interval for a recording file in milliseconds (default:100)
"prefetch": 1000, // time (in milliseconds) when to start prefetching the next segment during playback (0 to disable prefetch) (default:1000)
"queue": 0, // maximum time (in milliseconds) to queue the ingress data when recording (0 to disable queue) (default:0)
"s3": { // "aws.enabled" should be set to true when using AWS S3
"bucket": "bucket-A", // AWS S3 bucket name to store the recorded files (empty to disable S3 upload) (default:"")
"folder": "stream-A", // folder name on AWS S3 bucket (default:hostname + "/" + resource name)
"bufsiz": 18800, // buffer size used when playback the stream from AWS S3 (default:188*100)
- (refs.) SRT API Socket Options
- (refs.) SRT Access Control (Stream ID) Guidelines
- in case of ffmpeg, streamid is specified by -srt_streamid option
- r : resource name identifies the name of the resource
- m : mode expected for this connection
- request (default) : the caller wants to receive the stream
- publish : the caller wants to send the stream data
- at : specifies requested position of recorded data
- ISO string : specifies the date and time to be requested in ISO8601 syntax (ex.:"20230317T123000+0900")
- now-{{sec}} : specifies the time seconds before the current time
- now (default) : specifies live stream instead of recorded data
- gap : specifies the action to be taken when the stream reaches a gap in the recorded data.
- skip (default) : skip to the next recorded data without waiting
- wait : wait for a time corresponding to the gap before starting the next recorded data
- break : break the stream when a gap appears
- speed : specifies playback speed (synonym: x)
- 1 (default) : normal play speed
- make it service with nssm
set nssm={{path to nssm.exe}}
set dir={{directory where srt-live-reflect is}}
"%nssm%" install srt-live-reflect "%dir%\srt-live-reflect.exe"
"%nssm%" set srt-live-reflect DisplayName srt-live-reflect
"%nssm%" set srt-live-reflect Description srt-live-reflect service
"%nssm%" set srt-live-reflect AppDirectory "%dir%"
net start srt-live-reflect
set nssm={{path to nssm.exe}}
net stop srt-live-reflect
"%nssm%" remove srt-live-reflect confirm
- make it service with systemd
#! /bin/sh
cd `dirname $0`
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib64:/usr/local/lib
./srt-live-reflect conf=./srt-live-reflect.conf
Description=srt-live-reflect service
ExecStart={{directory where srt-live-reflect is}}/
ffmpeg -re -stream_loop -1 -i {{path to movie file}} -c:v copy -c:a copy -f mpegts -pes_payload_size 0 -srt_streamid #!::r={{stream name}},m=publish srt://{{host}}:{{port}}
ffplay -srt_streamid #!::{{stream name}},m=request srt://{{host}}:{{port}}