Responsive images based on the 'picture' element proposal. See
- Browser support: Tested in IE 6-9, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, iOS and Android
- Speed: Uses native or polyfilled matchMedia to evaluate each
<span data-media="..." />
- Size: 2.27KB minified (1.02KB gzipped)
###Picture example patterns
fallback which requires data-alt attribute on data-picture element.
<span data-picture data-alt="img alt">
<span data-media="(min-width: 1000px)" data-srcset="lib/my_high.jpg 1x, lib/my_high_2x.jpg 2x"></span>
<span data-media="(min-width: 800px)" data-src="lib/my_medium.jpg"></span>
<span data-media="(min-width: 400px)" data-src="lib/my_low.jpg"></span>
<span data-srcset="lib/my_low.jpg 1x, lib/my_high.jpg 2x"></span>
<img src="lib/my_low.jpg" alt="my fallback content" />
fallback with the lowest size/quality src which does not require data-alt attribute on data-picture element as long as it is present on the img element.
<span data-picture>
<span data-media="(min-width: 1000px)" data-srcset="lib/my_high.jpg 1x, lib/my_high_2x.jpg 2x"></span>
<span data-media="(min-width: 800px)" data-src="lib/my_medium.jpg"></span>
<span data-media="(min-width: 400px)" data-src="lib/my_low.jpg"></span>
<span data-srcset="lib/my_low.jpg 1x, lib/my_high.jpg 2x"></span>
<img src="lib/my_low.jpg" alt="img alt" />
fallback which requires data-alt attribute on data-picture element. data-picture element has data-srcset attribute.
<span data-picture data-srcset="lib/my_high.jpg 1x, lib/my_high_2x.jpg 2x" data-alt="img alt">
<img src="lib/my_low.jpg" alt="my fallback content" />
fallback with the lowest size/quality src which does not require data-alt attribute on data-picture element as long as it is present on the img element. data-picture element has data-srcset attribute.
<span data-picture data-srcset="lib/my_high.jpg 1x, lib/my_high_2x.jpg 2x">
<img src="lib/my_low.jpg" alt="img alt" />
fallback which requires data-alt attribute on data-picture element. data-picture element has data-src attribute.
<span data-picture data-src="lib/my_high.jpg" data-alt="img alt">
<img src="lib/my_low.jpg" alt="my fallback content" />
fallback with the lowest size/quality src which does not require data-alt attribute on data-picture element as long as it is present on the img element. data-picture element has data-src attribute.
<span data-picture data-src="lib/my_high.jpg">
<img src="lib/my_low.jpg" alt="img alt" />
We've chosen to use a span
as our picture element because it's not as common as div
s, meaning it will be faster when requesting an element collection and return less results to loop over.
Fallback for users without javascript enabled will see the noscript
###Future improvements
- Supported v2.2.0
attribute support (supercedessrc
attribute andsource
elements) - Supported v2.2.0
attribute support (supercedessource
elements) - Supported v2.2.0
attribute support - Supported v2.2.0
Content negotiation based on the previous 3 ways of setting image content picture
attribute support (currently matched media query)- Supported v2.2.0
attribute support (current src url) picture
attribute supportpicture
attribute support
###Dependencies None, unless a polyfill is required for window.matchMedia with listener support. If your project requires support of IE <= 9 or iOS <= 5.0 or Opera <= 12, try It's another of our projects focused on performance, near full CSS3 feature support and broad browser compatibility.