Built with Discord.js v14.9.0
Help and support docs can be found here: My Blog
To get started, first thing first, git clone this project:
git clone https://github.com/wtflmao/discord_bot_example.git
Then, create a config.json in the root directory discord_bot_example
looks like this:{ "token": "bot-token-goes-here", "clientId": "bot-clientid-goes-here", "guildId": "serverid-goes-here" }
If you don't know what a "bot token" is, then I guess you haven't created your own discord application yet.
Go to Discord Developer Portal to set up your first very own application and add a very new bot to it.
clientId is your bot's snowflake id.
guildId is your server's snowflake id.
After setting up that config.json thingy, you should run the following command to install discord.js:
cd discord_bot_example
npm install [email protected]
Then, use the following command to deploy your commands.
node deploy_commands.js
Then, use the following command to start your bot.
node .
node index.js
That's all.
Btw, my bot was built just for myself learning purpose, it isn't production-ready. I do NOT provide any warranty for this project.