A simple, refreshing, text-based Hexo blog theme.
- Auto night mode
- PWA (progressive web application)
- Utteranc comment System
- Mobile friendly
- English/Chinese
First you need to install Hexo to create the project. You can skip this step if you have already started.
npm install -g hexo-cli
hexo init <folder>
cd <folder>
npm install
git clone https://github.com/xrr2016/hexo-theme-cold-stone.git themes/cold-stone --depth 1
- Modify the
file in your Hexo blog root directory to set theme to
theme: cold-stone
in thethemes/cold-stone
directory to thesource
directory -
Execute the following command at the project root directory, create pages you need
hexo new page projects
hexo new page categories
hexo new page tags
hexo new page about
Add the layout of source/projects/index.md
layout: projects
Add the layout of source/categories/index.md
layout: categories
Add the layout of source/tags/index.md
layout: tags
- Modify the configuration of your Hexo blog
, examples are as follows
# blog config
seo_title: 冷石的博客
project_dir: projects
# user config
avatar: avatar.png
# Utteranc comment system
repo: xrr2016/blog
# sns link:
github: xrr2016
juejin: 576666b7207703006b1e0f09
# page stat
gaid: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Add a
image to thesource
directory -
Install hexo-wordcount (word count)
npm i --save hexo-wordcount
- Install hexo-all-minifier (Compress blog code)
npm i --save hexo-all-minifier
Install hexo-generator-feed (generate rss link)
npm i --save hexo-generator-feed
Set rss to true in _congfig.yml
rss: true
type: atom
path: atom.xml
limit: 20
content_limit: 140
content_limit_delim: ' '
order_by: -date
icon: avatar.png
autodiscovery: true
hexo server
- install hexo-deployer-git
npm install hexo-deployer-git --save
- set config
type: git
repo: https://github.com/your-username/your-repo
branch: gh-pages
- publish
hexo clean && hexo deploy
More ways to refer:https://hexo.io/docs/deployment
Show page views
Friends link page
- Add blog traffic statistics
- Modified the article font statistics display position
- Added the number of blog posts to display
- Fixed safari homepage error reporting issue8
- Added Japanese language interface and documentation, thanks @dongsu-iis
- Fix code highlighting #issue, need to disable the code highlighting that comes with hexo
- Added hexo-all-minifier to compress your blog code and let your blog open faster
- Add a previous/next link in the article
- Updated article label style, link style within article
- Modify the navigation bar style
- Increse homepage loading animation time
- Automatically set night mode according to system theme
- Added homepage loading animation
- Reduced body content width
- Modified PC home page layout
- Added article word count function (need install hexo-wordcount under blog folder)
- Added Google Site Search on the PC side
- Added friends chain page
If you think this theme is no bad, please star this repo. 😎